Monday, June 24, 2013

Friday happenings..

Friday was a very full day, I set the alarm at 6 am and didn't not stop moving until past midnight!  WE drove into Midland around 2 pm, Cooper had another dental appointment.  Two more appointments and we will be done!  After the dentist I picked all the kids up.  I loaded the car with pillows and blankets and we went to the drive in around 6, I left early because I figured there would be a line for the new releases.  While I was waiting at the yield right before the turn on to Business 20 and the loop someone rear ended me!  A train was going through the tracks in front of us so I was the last car with about 6 or 7 cars backed up at the yield.  Once we were all clear to go I was about to put my foot on the gas when bang!  My head hit hard, my first reaction was to check on the kids.  I turned back and Allison asked me why someone hit us and she sounded a little teary eyed and said her head hurt, but the boys seemed fine.  Beckett wasn't even phased by the accident he was all smiles, I was most worried about Cooper since he was sitting in the third row.  I then called 911.  I was expecting the back end of the highlander to be smashed!  But the damage was mainly to the hitch and the left side of the bumper which is barely hanging on, I am sure both will have to be replaced.  It was a 17 year old girl who hit me, she admitted to not paying attention, and was given a ticket.  The EMT's checked each of the children out, Allison had a knot on the back of her head and they told me to keep an eye on her.  I had two knots on the back of my head but I was fine.  The police officers couldn't have been nicer to the kids, giving them stickers and suckers.  After about an hour of being detained I decided to still take the kiddos to the drive-in to see the knew Monster's Inc movie.  The kids had fun snacking, playing on the playground, and loved watching the movie.  Beckett slept the entire movie after he nearly ate my entire dinner!  It was a long day, but I felt blessed to have spent it with my kiddos and that the accident was worse.

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