Sunday, June 30, 2013

Beckett's First Birthday Party

Saturday we celebrated Beckett's birthday with family in Midland.  Beckett's actual birthday is this coming Saturday but Richard has to work.  My mom was going to be in Midland for her last meeting so we decided to put together his birthday party.  I had been working on Beckett's party theme of airplanes for awhile.  I ended up forgetting the tube of airplanes and the airplane runway we made but the party was still successful.  The kids were entertained with decorating there planes, flying them through the target, hitting the airplane piñata, and playing in the airplane cardboard boxes.  The children also enjoyed the new playground equipment at Grafa park!  It was a busy weekend and a lot of our friends were out of town but we still had plenty of people to help us celebrate Beckett turning one!!  The weather wasn't to bad under the shaded area we set the party up at.  The adults even had fun flying there boomerang airplanes!  Beckett actually slept the first half hour of his party.  It didn't dawn on me tell the morning of his party that the party was exactly during Beckett's normal nap time, oops!  Although Beckett was all smile most of the party.  My mother and father in law bought Beckett a wagon for his birthday, and he loves it!  Beckett has figured out how to climb in and out of the wagon, which he does over and over again.  I am so thankful for all the family and friends that showed up for Beckett's party it really meant a lot to me and Richard.

I was thinking back to a year ago, remember my doctor's appointment and how I was dilated to a four and the Dr (not my regular Dr b/c he was on vacation) didn't think I would make it through the weekend.  Little did she know that I would make it an entire week longer!  I desperately wanted Beckett to be born in June but that didn't happen.  I have felt so at peace this weekend.  Richard has just finished working an entire 12 straight days.  I have been so happy to have him home with us.  Beckett has truly completed our family and is such a joy to be around.  I love my lil guy so much and cant imagine my life with out little B!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still so sad we missed his party :( Looks like he had a wonderful turnout!!!!
