Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Welcome Connor

My great nephew was born early Friday morning.  Connor Patrick Morgan, 8 pounds 11 ounces and 22 inches long.  The whole Sanchez family was anxiously awaiting his arrival and we are all thrilled he is finally here.  Little Connor is the first grandchild for the Lujan and Morgan families.  He also is the first Great Grandchild for both sides and he has made Richard and I Great Uncle and Great Aunt.  Funny side note.  Richard mentioned to me Friday night that we would live long enough to be Great Great Aunt and Great Great Uncle one day when Connor has children, and we would only be in our 50's! 

Luckily it was Richards weekend off so we could go see Connor and the new parents!  We woke up early Saturday morning and ran around Midland until we were able to see Connor.  My niece delivered in the new labor delivery ward at the renovated Midland Memorial hospital.  We left Beckett with Grandma and Granddad and took the big kids with us.  Allison stayed up late the night before to make a card for Natalie.  She was just as anxious as me to see her new cousin..  Cooper did tell me on the drive back to Hobbs how Connor was a beautiful baby, awe.  I felt so blessed to hold a one day old Connor, who has a full head a hair.  I thought my niece Clara had a ton of hair but Connor takes the hair award!  Richard even held his new great nephew for awhile.  Newborn babies are such blessings I was on a high all day after seeing that sweet lil guy.  I am so excited for the new parents, there isn't a greater joy that compares to your first child.

1 comment:

  1. Awww congrats on your great nephew! Makes me so sad to look at babies since my baby is so big now and of course you understand :(
