Saturday, January 26, 2013

12 days..

2 weeks ago Richards work schedule changed.  I knew it was coming people have moved up and moved off.  Richard was assigned a new route and new hours come with that.  He know works 10 days on and 4 days off:(  He is still suppose to work 8 hour days.  Which is 7:00-3:30, with a 30 minute lunch. Lets just say he never rolls in the door until 4:30.  But since he is learning a knew route which has some hicups, he has not made it home until 7:30 or past 9!  They wanted Richard to start on this schedule right away which meant he had to work 12 days straight instead of 10.  It has been a huge adjustment.  I think if he actually worked eight hour days, it wouldn't have been so bad.  But the poor guy got called out at least 4 times of the past 12 days, one day he drove home from work we were about to eat dinner and he got a call and had to drive back to work!  A few days at 3 am and 4:30 am Richard had to leave to work early.  I struggled to keep everything up, but after a few stressful days I decided maybe the house and car were not going to be as clean as I want.  I could tell the kids missed Richard, they were pushing boundaries.  Then to top it off I got sick (sinus infection), then Allison got sick, and my poor Beckett also caught what we all had!  Well we finally made it to Friday and daddy is home for the next few days, and we are going to soak up all the time we can.

This picture is of Beckett and one of his lil friends.  The picture was taken on Saturday while Richard worked and I had a baby shower to be at.

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